Today I went to search some information to the JGA (Japan Golf Association) in Kiyobashi, close to Nihonbashi in Tokyo. When returning i just jumped in into Takashimaya department stores to take a look and I stopped by the golf section. I was so surprised to find a showcase where it was some putters by Scotty Cameron. The surprising was not the putters in the showcase, though they look so great, it was the prices!! Prices were between 235.000 JPY (about 2.575 USD) and 3.875.000 JPY. (about 42.500 USD). As I did not have so many time I could not check them well.
But I could find after investigating japanese sites same models of Scotty Cameron used by Tiger Woods in past years as this putter of Tiger first PGA WIN in Las Vegas Invitational 1996. The price is 288.000 JPY (about 3.160 USD).

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