Friday, January 25, 2013

Swing trainer GST4

For a long time I have been not posting and updating this blog. I have been very busy increasing my knowledge in different fields and working and developing some projects.
Again I will continue the writing of this blog with new post which I hope they will be of interest.

This is a review of the gadget "Swing trainer GST4" made by the company Yupiteru
The device gives information of every shot for these parameters:
  • Club's head speed
  • Distance
  • Ball Speed 
  • Smash Factor (measures the ball speed divided by the club head speed, I will write a new post with this subject more detailed)

It comes with an in-ear metronome as well to allow you set the tempo for your swing (however i have not found it very useful) 

it has different functions as checking only your shots information, a train mode where you decide the club and the device chooses a distance to target, a history of your shots by day and club with the option of a graphic to check your progress and it has a slot for a Micro SD to save the data and move it to other device so It can be opened with spread sheet program. 

付属ブラケット使用時 イメージ/市販の三脚使用時(本体直接取引) イメージ

The "quality" of your shot can be checked by a 3 color LED (based in the Smash factor) to show you how precise you hit the ball.

Blue: Nice Shot
Yellow: Good Shot
Red: Miss Shot

It contains all the presets for all clubs and wedges face angle can be set-up to your needs for more accurate information. And here is where the device was not up to my expectations.

The device calculates different from real data. After shooting in a driving range I notice the distance shown and the one that was real (seen with my eyes) was different in a high proportion. For example, I hit my 3W, the device showed 275yds and I could check my ball was sliced and did not get either 200yds.
Even the LED color show me a "Nice shot". And this kind of different information from real to displayed makes the device useless so i can not trust the information even though it was made for offering information of your shots...

It is a good device if you are not expecting so much and just for fun and get some little idea how is your swing doing. However if you are looking something more professional and very accurate then you should check other options.
The device costs about 30,000JPY (about 330USD). 


  1. hi I purchased my GST in Japan. Can i change the LCD to english Thanks

  2. Sorry, It has only japanese language. Even some international products are divided in overseas sales and Japan inside sales (only japanese language). If you need some help, please let me know i will try to help.
